“ I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”
“My cooking is fabulous even the smoke alarm is cheering me on.”
“Never lend your car to anyone whom you have given birth”
“Dear Lord, all I ask is that you prove to me that money won’t make me happier by tripling my GCI this year”
Private Sector, Public Sector and non-profit, Suzanne has worked them all, offering valuable and unique insight into each, while entertaining and educating her audiences and readers.
From Tossing Pizzas in High school to mom, to working as a Deputy Sheriff, from there she went on to Real Estate and then Career Counselor!
Now Suzanne just travels the nation as a workplace Training and Development specialist, she shares her funny stories about workplace cohesion when it worked, and not so much!
Certified Life Coach National Speakers Association Grad
Certified Myers Briggs Recognized by the District Attorneys office
Certified Leadership Security Specialist
Licensed Realtor Certified Funny Person
Mom Award-winning Speaker
Muralist Wine Maker
Martial Artist Haroun Ventures MBA/ B.S Public Admin.
“Today’s event was awesome! Our incredible professional speaker, Suzanne Cruz, was off-the-charts powerful.”
-Nicole Conner, Toastmasters International
Success and Leadership
Born into a large family with limited means Suzanne quickly realized 3 things:
1. Keep a good sense of humor
2.Get organize
3. Listen up!
Currently, she travels the U.S promoting the idea that, with greater listening and life preparedness skills, the wise will win before the fight!
Why the Boots?
My boots are work boots, they are the ordinary kind, familiar to all boys and girls and adults who work hard.
Working hard is both my vocation and my avocation; I need them to accomplish work, hike, and play.
You may wonder why I should write about a simple pair of work boots that we all own yet take for granted. As if they were a mere incident and without background. This supercilious attitude relegates the boot to the level of the commonplace. This is a species of grievous error in which mankind cannot too long persist without peril. For, the wise G. K. Chesterton observed, “We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders.”
These boots, simply put merit your wonder and awe because of you, the man or woman that pulls them on and works hard and loves big. The individual that wears them, who takes knowledge and through action creates positive change in their lives.
Simple Yet, no assemblage, herd, nor mob on the face of this earth knows how valuable the rugged individual is. The God-fearing men and women of honesty who pull themselves up by their bootstraps every day, whose stamina and character and fearless assertion of rights led them to stand strong on their own and in doing so became one of many individual pillars that hold civilized society up.
The Rugged Individual takes time to appreciate the beautiful, for it leads to the good who made it and ultimately to the truth.
For those individuals that daily pull on their boots to deal with the work that needs to be done, there is a great love and appreciation of you. Those that will care for the sick this day, build roads, care for the children, teach, defend, survey, write, account, operate, fight fires, fly planes, serve, supervise, and create, you are appreciated and valued for the boots you will pull on today with great love.